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Partnership With DDS and DNR Creates Efficiency For Georgia Boaters

Posted by on January 21, 2020

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is making it easier for boaters to show they have the required boater education.

The GDNR is partnering with the Department of Driver Services that will put an indicator on your driver’s license that shows you have completed a boater education course.

That indicator will be a small anchor that will be added to the front of a driver’s license or ID card, and that will eliminate the need to have a boating safety education card with you when boating.

“Once the boater education completion indicator is placed on your DDS record, it will automatically be printed on your license or ID each time it is renewed. We are excited to partner with DNR on this customer-focused initiative,” commented DDS Commissioner Spencer R. Moore.

While all Georgia boaters do not need to complete training, many are required to complete a state-approved education program before operating a boat — including anyone born on and after January 1, 1998.

“As time moves forward, more and more Georgians will be required to complete a boater education course if they want to operate a boat on state waters,” said Georgia DNR Commissioner Mark Williams. “To be able to show that you have completed boater ed on your driver’s license will eliminate the need to carry a separate card, which is much more convenient.”

He said having the indicator on your driver’s license that shows you have completed a boater safety course is more convenient for the boater.

Boat owners and operators can enroll in a certified boater education course either online or through a classroom-based program to receive the necessary certification (

Courtesy MJ Kneiser

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