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Lake Hartwell Music Festival

Posted by on April 9, 2020
Name: Lake Hartwell Music Festival
Date: May 23, 2020
Time: 1:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
H.Y.D.R.A. of Hart County, Inc. is hosting its 8th annual Lake Hartwell Music Festival to be held on Saturday, May 23rd 2020 at the end of old 29/Long Point Hartwell, GA!

Mark your calendars for the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to Party with a Purpose for H.Y.D.R.A. on Lake Hartwell. This year’s lineup will have a large variety of music. Our lineup for this year is:Each band will perform a tribute set to the band or artist listed.

1-2 Black Crowes
Phil Duncan and Wes OTuel
2-3 Creedence Clearwater Revival
John Atkinson
3-4 Chicago
HS Jazz Band
4-5 Johnny Cash
Jody DiMarco
5-6 Waylon
Uncle Goo
6-7 John Mellencamp
7-8 Eagles
Big Teach
8-9 Allman Brothers
Big Don Band
9-10 Lynyrd Skynyrd
Diamond Back

Combining the abundance of live bands, food and retail vendors, activities, snacks, crafts, and the beautiful waters of Lake Hartwell as a backdrop, this will be an amazing holiday-weekend event! The excitement begins at 1:00 p.m. Bring the family, some chairs, and a cooler (no glass allowed). This is a party with a purpose; all proceeds will benefit H.Y.D.R.A. Hart Youth Development Resource Association, H.Y.D.R.A., offers year-round programs that provide support, education, and encouragement for our youth. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the gate. Kids 10 and under get in free. Tickets are Non-Refundable. Show is Rain or Shine.



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