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Local weather systems in tune with fiscal calendar

Posted by on October 13, 2015

The Savannah River Basin sputtered its way through September but somehow still landed close to par. This feat seems even more astonishing – if watching rain gauges can be considered astonishing – when you consider the entire basin collected more than one third of its monthly average rainfall on a single day, Sept. 25.

The rest of the month was a different story.

Hartwell, which received 4 inches Rainfall Chart_Septlast month (84 percent of its average, 4.7 inches), received less than 1/10th of an inch for 23 of September’s 30 days. One tenth of an inch is like a toddler’s spittle and probably just as annoying if you’re counting on rain.

Russell and Thurmond weren’t much better; they had 8 and 7 days, respectively, out of 30 where the total rainfall exceeded 1/10th of an inch in a 24-hour period.

Click here to see the hourly data for the sub-basins in September.

Both fared better than Hartwell with respect to their averages (Russell received 3.4 of its 3.7-inch average, while Thurmond got 3.7 inches – just over its average of 3.6).

And after all the hard work of collecting every little drop in September, Hurricane Joaquin and an associated low-pressure system brought a windfall of rain in October.

In fact, the storm delivered an average of more than 5 inches across the sub-basins, which was almost enough to bring the basin out of Drought Level 1. Almost.

When taken in context, two forces came together and in four days ameliorated a deficit for the Savannah River Basin – just in time for the new fiscal year.

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