The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District is asking you to plan now regarding what to do with your live Christmas tree once the holidays are over.
As they do every year, the Corps will be accepting live Christmas trees from December 26 through January 26 at the Hartwell Dam and Lake Project office. Trees may also be dropped off at the Big Oaks boat ramp on US29/Anderson Highway in Hartwell, and the Poplar Springs boat ramp in Gumlog in Franklin County. In South Carolina, you will be able to drop off your live trees at the Twin Lakes boat ramp and the Coneross boat ramp. Artificial trees will not be accepted. Remember to remove all decorations, tinsel, lights, garlands, bulbs, etc., before dropping them off. Dumping of wireframe wreaths, yard debris, artificial trees and household trash at the sites is prohibited. Rangers will then tie the trees in bundles, weighted with concrete anchors, and submerge them in various locations around Hartwell Lake marked with fish attractor buoys by Corps personnel. The bundled submerged trees create shelter and food for bait fish which attracts crappie, bass, and sunfish species. Ultimately, the recycled trees benefit the fish as well as the angler. Anglers can also pick up recycled trees to create fisheries habitat at a location of their choosing. Christmas trees should be anchored with concrete blocks at depths of 8-12 feet in Lake Hartwell and placed out of the main navigable channels and away from private docks. Anyone with questions can contact the Hartwell Dam and Project office at 888-893-0678 for more information. Courtesy MJ Kneiser |
Corp to Accept Christmas Trees Starting December 26th
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